
Hawthorne vs. Apess

I'm changing from Emerson and Poe to Hawthorne vs. Apess. I find these two to be more comparable than Emerson and Poe, since I can't stand reading Poe. His work is demented, in my humble opinion.

Hawthorne's work "The Birth-Mark" does seem to be slightly similar to The Scarlet Letter, except for the fact that Georgiana is killed by her husband. Aylmer seems very much different from Dimmesdale, however. I think I much prefer Dimmesdale and Hester to Georgiana and Aylmer. The latter couple seem underdeveloped, very insecure and are just very odd. Dimmesdale and Hester seem to be more developed characters and feel secure in their stations, as Hester serves as an outsider and Dimmesdale as a preacher. He also seemed to deal with young married couples just starting out as man and wife. It makes one wonder about his own relationship with his wife. However, I have found evidence that he dearly loved Sophia Peabody and thought the world of her.

Apess' work, however, deal with the issue of the natives' unjust treatment by the white majority. He questions their motives and asks why they are taking away their land and attempting to convert them to different religions. Also, if they believe these people to be uncivilized, why do they not make means for the education of these people?

Both authors dealt with different subjects, yet had similar ideals for people. Hawthorne wanted to expose the sometimes tragic outcomes of young married couples and Apess to expose the real truth about the natives and to put forth how they can be better helped. Good going, guys!


Emerson vs. Poe, Pt. I

It seems that Emerson and Poe are quite different in nature. Poe is very focused on the supernatural elements in his work, while Emerson is more of what we would consider a modern-day hippie. I forgot my book at home; will post more later. :)